Rules & Statutes
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337.015.Practice of psychology regulated--practice of psychology, defined.
337.020.Temporary, provisional or permanent licenses, application, qualifications, examinations, fees.
337.021.Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.
337.025.Educational and experience requirements for licensure, certain persons.
337.027.Educational requirements deemed met, when.
337.029.Licenses based on reciprocity to be issued, when--health service provider certification eligibility.
337.030.License renewal, registration fee, proof of compliance--late registration, penalty--lost certificate, how replaced--fees, amount, how set--inactive license issued, when.
337.033.Limitations on areas of practice--relevant professional education and training, defined--criteria for program of graduate study--health service provider certification, requirements for certain persons--automatic certification for certain persons.
337.035.Denial, revocation, or suspension of license, grounds for--interested third party, defined.
337.041.Discrimination prohibited.
337.045.Exempted professions and occupations--temporary practice authorized.
337.050.State committee of psychologists created--members, qualifications, compensation, removal--rules, procedure--powers of committee, seal--continuing education, proof of completion submitted with license renewal, types of continuing education, committee powers.
337.055.Privileged communications, when.
337.060.Licensed psychologists not to practice medicine.
337.065.Violations, penalty, refund of fees--duties of committee--injunctions--civil immunity, when--venue.
337.068.Complaints of prisoners--disposition of certain records.
337.070.Local governments prohibited from taxing or licensing psychologists.
337.085.Fees, collection, disposition, use.
337.090.License or directory not to include degree on which license was issued.
337.093.Application of law.
337.100.Citation of law - findings - purpose. (1/1/2099)
337.105.Definitions. (1/1/2099)
337.110.Home state licensure. (1/1/2099)
337.115.Compact privilege to practice telepsychology. (1/1/2099)
337.120.Compact temporary authorization to practice. (1/1/2099)
337.125.Conditions of telepsychology practice in a receiving state. (1/1/2099)
337.130.Adverse actions. (1/1/2099)
337.135.Additional authorities invested in a compact state's psychology regulatory ... (1/1/2099)
337.140.Coordinated licensure information system. (1/1/2099)
337.145.Establishment of the psychology interjurisdictional compact commission. (1/1/2099)
337.150.Rulemaking. (1/1/2099)
337.155.Oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement. (1/1/2099)
337.160.Date of implementation of the psychology interjurisdictional compact ... (1/1/2099)
337.165.Construction and severability. (1/1/2099)