Completed applications are processed in the order of receipt in as timely a manner as possible. Processing time varies and a specific licensure date cannot be projected.

If licensure is granted, your initial license will be valid until December 31 of the current year. Refer to Statute 327.351 RSMo and Board Rule 20 CSR 2030-11.010 and 20 CSR 2030-8.020 regarding renewal of your license.

Requirements for Licensure by Examination

Taken and passed the Fundamentals of Surveying Examination (FS).

Enrolled as a land surveyor intern for a period of four years from the date of enrollment as a LSIT.

Acquired the necessary professional field and office experience in land surveying under the immediate supervision of a professional land surveyor as defined in Board Rule 20 CSR 2030-5.110.

Requirements for Licensure by Comity

Taken and passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Surveying Examination (FS) and the NCEES Principles and Practice of Land Surveying Examination (PS).

Enrolled as a land surveyor intern for a period of four years from the date of enrollment as a LSIT.

Acquired the necessary professional field and office experience in land surveying under the immediate supervision of a professional land surveyor as defined in Board Rule 20 CSR 2030-5.110.

Licensed as a professional land surveyor in another state, territory or possession of the United States, or in another country.

Must have a minimum of 15 hours of land surveying coursework.

Take and pass Part I and Part II of the Missouri Specific Examination.

Examination Application Form - (Complete this application if you are currently enrolled as a Land Surveyor Intern wishing to apply for the Principles and Practice Examination.)
Comity Application Form - (Complete this application if you are applying by comity based on your licensure in another state.)

Updated: February 3, 2016