Rx Cares Medication Destruction Program

The Missouri General Assembly enacted § 338.142, RSMo, in 2017 which gave the Board authority to establish a drug take-back program for controlled substances. The Board subsequently initiated the Rx Cares for Missouri Medication Destruction and Disposal Program (the Program) to provide resources for the collection of unused/unwanted medication from the public for disposal. Applications are now being accepted. Learn more about the program below:

What is the Rx Cares for Missouri Medication Destruction and Disposal Program?

The Missouri General Assembly enacted § 338.142, RSMo, in 2017 which gave the Board authority to establish a drug take-back program for controlled substances. The Board subsequently initiated the Rx Cares for Missouri Medication Destruction and Disposal Program (the Program) to provide resources to authorized entities for the collection of unused/unwanted medication from the public for disposal. Approved Program participants will be provided a collection receptacle and inner liners to collect medication from the public. Once medication is collected, the Board will pay for destruction of medication up to twelve (12) times during the participation period at intervals selected by the Participant. Board rule 20 CSR 2220-9.900 contains detailed information on Program operations and eligibility requirements (see attached). Participants must also comply with all state and federal controlled substance laws governing collection of controlled substances for disposal. Participants should make sure they are aware of and able to comply with DEA and BNDD requirements.

How Will the Program Work?

The Board has contracted with Sharps Compliance, Inc. (Sharps) to operate the Program as part of Sharps' Medsafe ® drug collection/disposal initiative.

  1. Interested parties will need to apply to the Board to participate in the Program (applications are available online). Approved applicants will be notified by the Board in writing and provided instructions for enrolling in Medsafe ®. Participants must sign and agree to the Medsafe ® Policy agreement to participate in the Program.
  2. After Medsafe ® enrollment, Sharps Compliance will provide an official collection receptacle Order Form and instructions for arranging shipment to the Participant's authorized collector address at no cost to the Participant. The collection receptacle will be provided with approved fasteners for securely installing the receptacle.
  3. Participants will be provided twelve (12) DEA/BNDD compliant inner liners for use inside the collection receptacle when collecting medication from the public. Board funded Medsafe ® collection receptacles may only be used to collect medication from the public and may not be used to dispose of controlled substances in the Participant's inventory or stock.
  4. Each inner liner will come enclosed in a prepaid shipping container. Once the inner liner is full/ready for disposal, Participants will ship the prepaid shipping container to Medsafe's ® approved treatment/destruction facility using either United Parcel Service (UPS ®) or Medsafe's ® selected common carrier. Detailed shipping instructions will be provided after Medsafe ® enrollment.
  5. The Board will pay for destruction/disposal of twelve (12) Medsafe ® inner liners as part of the Program. Participants may choose to continue with Medsafe ® after Program completion at their own cost (subject to Sharps approval).


Will the Board Collect and Destroy Medication?

No. Medication will be destroyed by Sharps Compliance's approved treatment/ destruction facility for the Medsafe ® program.

How Will the Disposal Process Work?

Participants will be given instructions for prepaid shipping of collected medication to Medsafe's ® approved treatment/destruction facility using either United Parcel Service (UPS) or Medsafe's ® selected common carrier. Collected medication may only be shipped in accordance with approved Medsafe ® shipping procedures/materials. The Board will not be responsible for costs related to medication shipped outside of Medsafe ® requirements.

How Much Does it Cost to Participate?

The Program is funded by the Board of Pharmacy as part of the Rx Cares for Missouri initiative. Collection receptacles, inner liners and destruction of twelve (12) inner liners will be provided at no cost to approved participants.

Who Is Eligible to Participate?

Applicants must be one of the following to participate in the Program:

  • A licensed Missouri pharmacy or drug distributor
  • A hospital/clinic with an onsite pharmacy
  • A narcotic treatment program, or
  • A federal, state, tribal or local law enforcement agency (collection receptacles must be located inside the law enforcement agency's physical address). [See rule 20 CSR 2220-2.990 for additional eligibility information]

Non-law enforcement applicants must also be currently registered with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Missouri Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) as an authorized collector of controlled substances. The Board will not approve applications from entities not currently registered as a DEA/BNDD authorized collector. Law enforcement agencies are not required to be registered (see 21 CFR § 1317.35).

Do I Have to Provide My Own Collection Receptacle?

No. Collection receptacles will be shipped and provided at no cost to the Participant.

How Will Collection Receptacles Be Installed?

Program participants will be responsible for installing the provided collection receptacle on their own. Installation instructions and fasteners will be provided by Medsafe ®. Collection receptacles must be securely placed in compliance with state and federal law.

How Large is The Collection Receptacle?

The Medsafe ® collection receptacle measures 43.75 H X 22.25 W. Applicants should verify they have sufficient room to install the receptacle prior to submitting an application.

  • More Info
  • Can I Use My Own Collection Receptacle or Inner Liners?

    No. To ensure compliance with state and federal law, Program participants must use the approved Medsafe ® collection receptacles and inner liners provided by Sharps Compliance. Once again, Board funded Medsafe ® collection receptacles may only be used to collect medication from the public and may not be used to dispose of controlled substances in the Participant's inventory or stock.

    Where Can Collection Receptacles Be Placed?

    Collection receptacles can only be located/operated at the authorized collector's DEA registered location. For law enforcement agencies, collection receptacles must be placed inside the law enforcement agency's physical address. Hospitals/clinics and pharmacies may also place collection receptacles at a long-term care facility subject to state/federal requirements [See 21 CFR § 1317.40 & 19 CSR 30-1.023]

    Will Collection Receptacles Have to be Returned After the Program Ends?

    No, Participants may keep the collection receptacles. However, Participants will need to independently contract with Sharps Compliance and pay any applicable fees to continue with Medsafe ® after Program completion (subject to Sharps criteria/approval).

    How Will Participants Be Selected?

    The Board will consider the following criteria when reviewing applications:

    1. The need for a medication collection program in the proposed collection site area, including, but not limited to, any alternative col¬lection programs/opportunities available;
    2. Relevant evidence or data regarding drug use, abuse, fatalities, or trends;
    3. The number of applications submitted or previously approved by the board for the applicant regardless of collection site;
    4. The nature and structure of the proposed collection program, including, but not limited to, operational times and any public restrictions;
    5. Available staff, resources, or expertise;
    6. Any state, federal, or local disciplinary action, including any pending board complaints or investigations;
    7. The applicant's compliance with state and federal drug and controlled substance laws;
    8. The applicant's financial need and available resources; and
    9. Any other factor that may be relevant to the applicant's ability to participate in or comply with the Program.
    Participants must ensure controlled substances are collected in compliance with state and federal controlled substance laws, including, but not limited to, all record keeping, security and storage requirements (see attached DEA FAQ). Failure to comply with state and federal law will result in termination from the Program.

    How Many Participants Will Be Selected?

    Funding is available for a limited number of applicants. Interested parties should apply early.

    How Do I Register With DEA/BNDD As An Authorized Collector?

    Participants should contact the DEA and BNDD directly to either obtain an authorized collector registration or modify their exiting controlled substance registration to become an authorized collector. ***An authorized collector registration is different from a DEA/BNDD registration to dispense, prescribe or otherwise store controlled substances. Your current DEA/BNDD registration will need to be modified to add authorization to collect controlled substances for disposal, if not already completed. See DEA & BNDD contact information below.

    What Is The Application Deadline?

    Due to limited funding availability, applications are requested on or before October 1, 2019. Applications are available on the Board's website.


    Board rule 20 CSR 2220-2.990 contains detailed information on Program eligibility and compliance (see copy attached). For Program information, contact the Board office at compliance@pr.mo.gov or (573) 751-0091. Controlled substance questions, including questions on how to become an authorized collector, should be addressed to DEA and/or BNDD

    DEA/BNDD Contact Information

    United States Drug Enforcement Administration
    Kansas City District Office
    7600 College Blvd.
    Overland Park, KS
    (888) 803-1179
    (314) 538-4628

    United States Drug Enforcement Administration
    St. Louis Division Office
    317 South 16th Street
    St. Louis, Missouri
    (888) 803-1179
    (314) 538-4628

    Missouri Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD)
    P.O. Box 570
    Jefferson City, MO 65102
    (573) 751-6321

    E-mail is preferred