Graduate Nurse Practice

Graduates of nursing programs may practice as a graduate nurse until s/he has received the results of the first licensure exam taken by the nurse or until ninety (90) days after graduation, whichever first occurs. You can only work as a GN after you graduate and until 1) you receive results of your first exam OR 2) 90 days after your graduation date; whichever of these situations occurs first. You are a graduate after you have completed ALL degree requirements and have officially graduated from your nursing program.

If you have any questions, please contact the Board office at If you practice beyond the graduate exempted practice period, you may be denied the opportunity to test. You are responsible for knowing the date you must cease practicing as a graduate nurse. You are required to abide by the laws in the state in which you practice nursing. You can view and/or print the State of Missouri Nursing Practice Act from the board's web site at