PR HomeMission
Who We Are ...The Division of Professional Registration is an agency within the Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance. The division is comprised of 226 staff members that support 41 professional licensing boards and commissions in licensing and regulating the activities of more than 525,000 professional Missourians.
What We Do ...The boards and commissions process applications, administer examinations issue licenses and, when warranted, conduct investigations into possible professional misconduct and may suspend or revoke the licensure of practitioners.
Our Mission ...It is the mission of the Division of Professional Registration to serve and protect the public by providing an accessible, responsible and accountable regulatory system that:
- Protects the public . . .
from incompetency, misconduct, gross negligence, fraud, misrepresentation or dishonesty; - Licenses only "qualified" professionals . . .
by examination and evaluation of minimum competency; - Enforces standards . . .
by implementing legislation and administrative rules;