Veterans' Services and Benefits

Interior Design Council Survey

The Council is interested in your opinion. Please click on the link below and take a few moments to complete a brief survey. Your email address will not be recorded or stored. Thank you for your participation.

SB 843 Fee Waiver Statement:

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HB 1769 (Filing of False Documents) Statement:

HB 1769, passed by the legislature, signed by the Governor and effective August 28, 2018, creates section 570.095, RSMo, the criminal offense of Filing of False Documents. Section 570.095.1(1), RSMo, identifies 15 categories of records for which someone could be charged with Filing of False Documents. Please review the bill language in the event you file such documents as part of your licensed occupation.

Veterans - learn about reimbursement for your licensing examination fees.

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Meeting Notices

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