Application Forms
Processing your application can take approximately four (4) to six (6) weeks. Additional processing time may be required during the months of March through July due to a high volume of incoming applications. Below is information on the application process of the Board. Allowing our staff to process your application and supporting documents without duplicate submissions of documents, emails and telephone inquiries can decrease the processing time. Please know that our goal is to process your application in an efficient manner so that you can begin practicing in the state of Missouri as quickly as possible. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
- You will be sent an email notifying you that your application and fee have been received, and your application will be put into a queue for processing.
- After your application has been processed, you will be sent another email that assigns a PIN and advises you of procedures to check the status of your application online. You will be able to see what documents are still lacking or need clarification. Feel free to share your PIN with whomever you want to be able to check the status of your application.
- Once all of the supporting documentation has been received, your application will be reviewed within approximately two (2) to four (4) weeks. Some applications may require further review by members of the Board.
- If a license is issued, you will receive an email notification and the hard copy of your license will be mailed to you.
- Should the Chair of the Licensure Committee request your appearance or if your file requires discussion at an upcoming meeting, you will be notified.
Anesthesiologist Assistant
Assistant Physician
Athletic Trainer
Audiologist Late Registration
IMLC Application - Missouri Licensed
IMLC Application - New Missouri Applicant Physician
Inactive Status
Official Document Form
Perfusionist Provisional
Physical Therapist
Physical Therapist Assistant
Physician Application
Physician Assistant
Physician Limited
Physician Limited Reciprocity
Retirement Affidavit
Speech-Language Pathologist or Audiologist Provisional
Speech-Language Pathologist or Audiologist Provisional Renewal
Speech-Language Pathologist and or Audiologist
Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant
Speech-Language Pathologist Late Registration
USMLE Step 3 Application