Application Forms

If you have FAILED the FE examination, STOP and click on the following link to re-apply with NCEES at

If you have received your engineering degree and PASSED the FE examination, you will need to make application with the Board for enrollment as an Engineer Intern. Please be aware that you must meet Missouri requirements. Taking and passing the FE examination does not guarantee that your application for enrollment as an Engineer Intern or future PE examination application will be approved. Please read the following instructions and then make application via the link at the bottom of the page.

All applicants for enrollment as an engineer intern must have successfully passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering examination; complete (and be approved by the Board) the Engineer Intern enrollment application form as well as meet the qualifications defined in Section 327.241 Revised Statutes of Missouri.

Passing of the FE examination WILL NOT be verified until enrollment as an Engineer Intern has been granted by the Missouri Board.
