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SB 843 Fee Waiver Statement:
The State of Missouri has made obtaining an occupational license more consumer friendly! On August 28, 2018, section 324.015, RSMo, will become effective. Section 324.015, RSMo, requires licensing authorities within the Division of Professional Registration to waive, upon request, all occupational fees associated with licensing requirements for a period of two years from the date the licensing authority approves the application. The waiver applies to two groups defined in the new statutory language: 1) military families; and 2) low-income individuals.
If you are a member of one of these groups and wish to request the waiver from your licensing authority, make that request to your licensing authority in writing and submit official documentation that you meet the statutory definitions of "military family" or "low-income individual" contained in 324.015.1(3) and (4), RSMo, set forth below. The licensing authority will review your request and determine whether you meet the requirements for the waiver as set forth in 324.015, RSMo. If you do not, the licensing authority will contact you and request the appropriate fees prior to reviewing your application for licensure.
The Division of Professional Registration and licensing authorities are working to promulgate a regulation to implement this section. Please contact your licensing authority for additional information.
324.015. 1. For purposes of this section, the following terms mean:
- "Licensing authority", any agency, examining board, credentialing board, or other office with the authority to impose occupational fees or licensing requirements on any occupation or profession;
- "Licensing requirement", any required training, education, or fee to work in a specific occupation or profession;
- "Low-income individual", any individual:
- Whose household adjusted gross income is below one hundred thirty percent of the federal poverty line or a higher threshold to be set by the department of insurance, financial institutions and professional registration by rule; or
- Who is enrolled in a state or federal public assistance program including, but not limited to, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, the MO HealthNet program, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program;
- "Military families", any active duty service members and their spouses and honorably discharged veterans and their spouses. The term "military families" includes surviving spouses of deceased service members who have not remarried;
- "Occupational fee", a fee or tax on professionals or businesses that is charged for the privilege of providing goods or services within a certain jurisdiction;
- "Political subdivision", any city, town, village, or county.
2. All state and political subdivision licensing authorities shall waive all occupational fees and any other fees associated with licensing requirements for military families and low-income individuals for a period of two years beginning on the date an application is approved under subsection 3 of this section. Military families and low-income individuals whose applications are approved shall not be required to pay any occupational fees that become due during the two-year period.
3. Any individual seeking a waiver described under subsection 2 of this section shall apply to the appropriate licensing authority in a format prescribed by the licensing authority. The licensing authority shall approve or deny the application within thirty days of receipt.
4. An individual shall be eligible to receive only one waiver under this section from each licensing authority.
5. The waiver described under subsection 2 of this section shall not apply to fees required to obtain business licenses.
6. State licensing authorities and the department of insurance, financial institutions and professional registration shall promulgate rules to implement the provisions of this section. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable, and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2018, shall be invalid and void.