Log into https://mopro.mo.gov/license/s/ to register for your MOPRO Account beginning January 14, 2025.
To register, you need to have an email on record with your board. If you have not received an email from us about MOPRO, please contact your board ( https://pr.mo.gov/boards.asp) to update your records. Many boards have online services that allow you to quickly and easily change your contact information. Please feel free to change your email address using this feature if it is available for your board.
If you need help registering for your MOPRO account, the Division of Professional Registration has two ways for you to have assistance!!
Email moprotech@pr.mo.gov and include your license number and your issue! Someone will respond to your email!
Reach out to our call center. Please call 833-373-2936 for help!
MOPRO will give you access to your information 24/7 including, but not limited to:
- Applying for a license!
- Renewing your license, whether on time or late!
- Submitting payments online for your license, a duplicate license, or licensure verification!
- Changing your name, address, or other contact information!
- Changing corporate officers or owners of a licensed business!
Other MOPRO features that may be available, depending on your profession:
- Tracking supervision hours!
- Tracking continuing education hours!
If you have questions about your license, contact information, or other board - specific questions, please contact them for assistance! https://pr.mo.gov/boards.asp.
2024 Preneed Seller Renewal Annual Report Forms
Texas Special Deputy Receivership
Orphan Contract Consumer and Funeral Home Notifications
Q & A
Attention Missouri Preneed Sellers
The State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors (Board) has initiated the third phase of the preneed seller financial examination process. All preneed sellers are required to undergo financial examinations for the purpose of ensuring Missouri preneed sellers are safeguarding preneed funds and those funds are properly utilized per contract with the consumer.
The financial examination requirement began with the significant change to Missouri statutes in 2009. Since that time, the Board and Missouri preneed sellers have gained much experience and knowledge with the preneed requirements. Past financial examinations have resulted in many Missouri preneed sellers demonstrating compliance with Missouri statute and rules.
As we enter the next phase of financial examinations, the Board will continue to require preneed sellers to submit required documentation in advance of the onsite financial examination review of preneed contracts/records. However, in the upcoming phase, the Board will consider a preneed seller's historical compliance on a case-by-case basis when determining the scope of the financial examination to be conducted. These factors may include whether a seller's prior examinations were successful, any prior findings or non-findings as the case may be, and the seller's timely participation and cooperation during the financial examination process. The order in which the examinations are conducted by the Board are selected at random.
The Board acknowledges the burden of compliance with the Missouri statutes and administrative rules and extends appreciation to Missouri preneed sellers who work diligently to demonstrate their commitment to meeting the professional standards and protecting the public.
Posted March 28, 2024
Veterans' Services and Benefits
FTC - Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Covid-19 Funeral Assistance
State Board Exam Update
The State Board Examination (SBE) fee beginning January 1, 2020 will be $285.
Effective January 27, 2020 the Missouri Law Exam will be open book. The Law book will be available as a pdf at the testing centers.
Public Notice
The Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors offers a warning to consumers to guard against scam telephone calls or home visits from individuals who indicate they are affiliated with Heritage Cremation Provider. This entity does not hold a license to practice in Missouri.
Legacy Funeral Services - Default Judgement entered, see document under Discipline.
If you are a current licensee and have not already participated in survey please fill out the short 1 minute survey below.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Funeral Rule
The board was contacted by Samantha Gordon, attorney liaison for the Funeral Rule in the Federal Trade Commission's Midwest Region, asking for assistance in distributing the attached letter to our licensees regarding the funeral rule to ensure licensees have the information.
Click here for more information.
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