FAQ's for Electrical Contractors

As of August 28, 2017

Below are a few of the frequently asked questions about obtaining a Missouri statewide electrical contractor license. If you have additional questions, please email us at OSEC@pr.mo.gov.

  1. When will I be able to apply for a statewide electrical contractor license?

    Answer: We anticipate beginning to accept applications for licensure in January 2019 after the necessary rules are in place. This date changed as result of a legislative change to the statute language in 2018 with the passage of Senate Bill 862. When applications are available, they will be posted on the office's website. If you would like to receive an e-mail and/or text when the applications are available, please sign up for “Get Office of Statewide Electrical Contractors News” at https://pr.mo.gov/electricalcontractors.asp or send an email to osec@pr.mo.gov and we will notify you when applications are available.

  2. I only do one work in one city and I have an electrical contractor license from that city, do I have to get a statewide electrical contractor license?

    Answer: No. The statewide electrical contractor license is optional, not mandatory. If you work only in places where you are currently licensed, or no license is required, you may not want a statewide electrical contractor license. However, if you would like to have one license that is recognized statewide, then the new statewide license may be for you. The new license aims to allow an electrical contractor to maintain just one license that is recognized statewide instead of having a license for each city or county. Each electrical contractor will have to evaluate their situation and make the decision that works for them. You may want to consult with your attorney to assist in making this decision. Statutes you may want to review include Section 324.920.3 and .4, RSMo.

  3. I work in a city or a county that does not require an electrical contractor license. Do I need to get a new statewide license?

    Answer: No. Section 324.920.4, RSMo, states: Any person operating as an electrical contractor in a political subdivision that does not require the contractor to hold a local license or that operates as an electrical contractor in a political subdivision that requires a local license possessed by that person, shall not be required to possess a statewide license under Sections 324.900 to 324.945, RSMo, to continue to operate as an electrical contractor in such political subdivision.

  4. I work for a company that has multiple licensed electrical contractors, does the new law require everyone in the company to get a statewide license?

    Answer: No. Only one person in each company is required to have a statewide license, but that person is responsible for the work that the company does and that person must be at a supervisory level. However, if a company wishes to have more than one person with a statewide license, that is permitted. Section 324.920.3, RSMo. Section 324.920.3, RSMo, states:

    Each corporation, firm, institution, organization, company, or representative thereof engaging in electrical contracting shall have in its employ, at a supervisory level, at least one electrical contractor who possesses a statewide license in accordance with sections 324.900 to 324.945. A statewide licensed electrical contractor shall represent only one firm, company, corporation, institution, or organization at one time.

  5. I am currently licensed as an electrical contractor in a city; do I have to take the test again to get a statewide license?

    Answer: Maybe not. If you meet the requirements to be grand-fathered in, then you will not have to test again or if the test you took meets the requirements for a statewide license, that test will be accepted. Section 324.920.2, RSMo, states:

    Electrical contractors who hold an electrical contractor license in good standing that was issued by any authority in this state that required prior to January 1, 2018, the passing of a standardized and nationally accredited written electrical assessment examination that is based upon the National Electric Code and who have completed twelve thousand hours of verifiable practical experience shall be issues a statewide license. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to electrical contractor licenses issued by a political subdivision with the legal authority to issue such licenses.

  6. I am licensed in another state; will I be able to get a license by reciprocity?

    Answer: Maybe. Please watch this site for further information. The Division will be posting the listing of states that meet the requirements for reciprocity. If you are licensed in another state that you would like to be considered for reciprocity, please send an e-mail to OSEC@pr.mo.gov with the state you would like Missouri to enter into a reciprocity agreement and we will consider reciprocity for that state. Section 324.920.5, RSMo.

  7. Now that there is a statewide license, do I apply to the state to get my electrical contracting permits?

    Answer: No. You will follow the same procedures as before for obtaining permits from the local entity. Section 324.925.3, RSMo. The state will not be issuing permits nor will the state be inspecting the work performed.

  8. I work in a city or county that requires a bond, do I now post that bond with the state instead of the city or county?

    Answer: No. You will continue to post that bond with the city or county, but you will need to provide the state proof that the proper bond has been posted when you apply for a statewide electrical contractor license. Section 324.920.1(2), RSMo.

  9. My city or county license doesn't require a bond, but it does require that I have work comp insurance and liability insurance. Will the statewide license have those requirements?

    Answer: The statewide electrical contractor license holder must have liability insurance in the amount of $500,000. You may want to consult with your attorney to be sure you are in compliance with other laws of the state involving workers compensation. Section 324.920.1(2), RSMo.

  10. Will there be any continuing education requirements?

    Answer: Watch this website for updates. The law authorizes the state to impose continuing education requirements by implementing rules. Section 324.910.1, RSMo.

  11. How much will the application and renewal fees be for the statewide license?

    Answer: Fees will be established by rules. Watch this website for updates. Section 324.910, RSMo.

  12. What test do I need and how much does it cost?

    Answer: Watch this website for updates. Section 324.920.3 RSMo.

  13. What do I do if my city or county refuses to accept the statewide license?

    Answer: Watch this site for further information. You will be able to report it to the Division and our staff will investigate. If the city or county continues to refuse to accept the statewide license, the city or county may lose their sales tax distributions from the state. Section 324.925.2, RSMo.

  14. When was this statute passed and where can I find the statute?

    Answer: The statewide licenses were authorized by Senate Bill 240, effective August 28, 2017. Sections 324.900-324.945, RSMo.

  15. Who do I contact if I have other questions?

    Answer: Check our website at https://pr.mo.gov/electricalcontractors.asp or contact us by email at OSEC@pr.mo.gov or by phone at 573-522-3280.

Log into https://mopro.mo.gov/license/s/ to register for your MOPRO Account beginning January 14, 2025.

To register, you need to have an email on record with your board. If you have not received an email from us about MOPRO, please contact your board ( https://pr.mo.gov/boards.asp) to update your records. Many boards have online services that allow you to quickly and easily change your contact information. Please feel free to change your email address using this feature if it is available for your board.

If you need help registering for your MOPRO account, the Division of Professional Registration has two ways for you to have assistance!!

Email moprotech@pr.mo.gov and include your license number and your issue! Someone will respond to your email!

Reach out to our call center. Please call 833-373-2936 for help!

MOPRO will give you access to your information 24/7 including, but not limited to:

  • Applying for a license!
  • Renewing your license, whether on time or late!
  • Submitting payments online for your license, a duplicate license, or licensure verification!
  • Changing your name, address, or other contact information!
  • Changing corporate officers or owners of a licensed business!

Other MOPRO features that may be available, depending on your profession:

  • Tracking supervision hours!
  • Tracking continuing education hours!

If you have questions about your license, contact information, or other board - specific questions, please contact them for assistance! https://pr.mo.gov/boards.asp.