Chapter 327 - Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Professional Landscape Architects
Other Pertinent Statutory Provisions
Chapter 60 - Missouri Department of Agriculture's Missouri Standards for Property Boundary Surveys
Chapter 324 - Occupations and Professions General Provisions
- 324.001. Division of professional registration established, duties--boards and commissions assigned to--reference to division in statutes.
- 324.009. Licensure reciprocity - definitions - requirements - inapplicability, when.
- 324.015. Fees, waiver of, when - definitions - procedure - rulemaking authority. (Low Incomce Individuals and Military Families)
- 324.022. Rulemaking authority.
- 324.024. Applications to contain Social Security numbers, exceptions.
- 324.031. Collection and deposit of fees, requirements.
- 324.032. Registry of licenses, permits, and certificates issued, contents - copying of registry information.
- 324.038. Issuance of license subject to probation permitted, when, procedure.
- 324.043. Statute of limitations for disciplinary proceedings - notice requirements - tolling, when.
Chapter 41 - Military Forces
- 41.946. Licensure or certification by state, continuing education - exemption from requirements for active military service.
- 41.950. Members of military forces called to active duty - relieved from certain provisions of law.
Chapter 8 - State Buildings and Lands
- 8.285. Policy on contracts for architectural, engineering, land surveying services.
- 8.287. Definitions.
- 8.289. Agencies using services to be furnished statement of firm's qualifications and performance data.
- 8.291. Negotiation for contract - not applicable for certain political subdivisions.
Chapter 537 - Torts and Actions for Damages
- 537.033. Design professionals - peer review process, requirements.