Disciplinary and other actions taken by the Board

NameFile TypeFile SizeLast Modified
210 LLC - LS-2002011856PDF File3892 kb6/20/2013
A & A Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineers, LLC - E-2018000866PDF File672 kb1/10/2018
Aach, Roy L - PE-8150 - 09-15-2009PDF File1549 kb6/26/2013
Aach, Roy L - PE-8150 - 09-18-2012PDF File246 kb6/20/2013
Adair, William G Jr - A-8325PDF File1482 kb6/20/2013
Adrian, Marcus - A-007869PDF File2051 kb1/3/2023
AeroMet Engineering, Inc - E-2009035713PDF File614 kb6/20/2013
Ahmed, Atif Gala - PE - 28979PDF File1377 kb6/20/2013
Anderson, Charles Eric - PE-23080 - 03-01-2006PDF File1036 kb6/20/2013
Anderson, Charles Eric - PE-23080 - 10-21-2004PDF File1240 kb6/20/2013
Anderson, Kirby R - LS-1545PDF File1200 kb6/20/2013
Ansa, Emmanuel E - PE-2014040482PDF File573 kb11/18/2014
Archaeos, LLC - A-2011021199PDF File547 kb8/21/2019
Architechtural Concepts Construction, LLC - A-2012007519PDF File533 kb6/20/2013
Armstrong, Scott - PE-2007032756PDF File1935 kb8/23/2024
Arnold Surveying, LLC - LS-2009025008PDF File715 kb6/20/2013
Athey, Bradford - A-2015017495PDF File991 kb8/21/2019
Atlantic Engineering Group, Inc - E-2015028236PDF File373 kb8/10/2015
Atwell, LLC - LS-2011037945PDF File1593 kb7/14/2014
Ausel, Terry - PE-2020018187PDF File2374 kb10/17/2023
Avery, Samuel Charles - A -2019043566PDF File5093 kb11/14/2019
AZD Associates Inc - A-2012035390PDF File529 kb5/2/2013
Backues, Justin Jacob - PLS-2005019229PDF File70 kb1/25/2021
Baker, Larry Wayne - LS-2551PDF File1595 kb6/20/2013
Bargate, Gavin C - A-2004032547PDF File247 kb1/5/2017
Barker, Kevin J - A-2002026547PDF File1061 kb5/2/2018
Baum, David C - A-8147PDF File1476 kb10/2/2013
Beccard, Robert - PE-030251PDF File2430 kb5/27/2022
Becker, Roy A - PE-18041 - 09-06-2001PDF File476 kb6/20/2013
Becker, Roy A - PE-18041 - 09-15-2004PDF File628 kb6/20/2013
Beichley, Doug - A-2007035147PDF File2417 kb5/27/2022
Bemberg, Max (A-2018011082)PDF File2706 kb2/20/2024
Bendyk, Paul V and Paul Bendyk Associates (not licensed)PDF File1235 kb6/20/2013
Berendzen, Jon DPDF File2867 kb3/22/2022
Beyer, Ronald L - LS-2195PDF File819 kb1/2/2015
Bigbie, Mark - PE-2006024908PDF File2470 kb1/18/2024
Bird, Bruce F - PE-12144PDF File2182 kb7/25/2013
Black, Paul D - PE-17203PDF File1183 kb6/20/2013
Blanchard, Ezell - LA-211PDF File572 kb6/20/2013
Blew & Associates, PC - E-2017018509PDF File783 kb6/27/2017
Blew & Associates, PC - LS-2017018510PDF File847 kb6/27/2017
Blom, Kenneth M - PE-8226PDF File1602 kb6/21/2013
Bluestone Engineering, LLC - E-2016014302PDF File461 kb5/13/2016
Bormann, Donald E - LS-2012PDF File3118 kb6/20/2013
Bourne Group, LLCPDF File1558 kb8/1/2023
Bowman, Robert C (not licensed)PDF File683 kb10/23/2017
Bradley, Dennis Mitchell - A-4516PDF File1258 kb6/20/2013
BranchPattern IncPDF File2250 kb1/5/2024
Breitweiser, Alvah Paul - A-1796PDF File2825 kb6/20/2013
Brightergy, LLC - E-2013042086PDF File884 kb11/20/2013
Brodersen, Travis R - A-2018015412PDF File905 kb5/10/2018
Brown, Richard T - PE-26301PDF File674 kb4/20/2018
Brunjes, William S - PE-16546PDF File1048 kb6/20/2013
Building Envelope Consultants, Ltd - A-2018000382PDF File830 kb1/5/2018
Bullington, Glen R (not licensed)PDF File588 kb12/18/2019
Burdine, David D - PLS-2004001328PDF File709 kb12/7/2020
Burt, C Allyn (not licensed)PDF File1023 kb6/20/2013
Butcher, Gary G - LS-1911PDF File1482 kb6/19/2013
Byrd, Thomas Swayne - A-1844PDF File219 kb6/20/2013
Calton, Lynn B - LS-1527PDF File1151 kb6/20/2013
Calton, Neal Thomas - PE-15700; LS-1425PDF File1044 kb6/20/2013
Carr, Michael (not licensed)PDF File224 kb6/20/2013
Central Fire and Safety, Inc (not licensed)PDF File946 kb8/19/2013
Chafee, Robert - A-2004006787PDF File2362 kb5/18/2022
Chapman, Kevin F (not licensed)PDF File2938 kb6/20/2013
Christopher Carvell Architects, PC - A-2019005787PDF File688 kb2/20/2019
Clancy, James - PE-2008006307PDF File2371 kb9/15/2023
Classic Country Land (not licensed)PDF File1188 kb6/21/2013
Clemons, Clarence E Jr (not licensed)PDF File1055 kb7/13/2018
Clockwork, LLC - A-2011030809PDF File438 kb6/21/2013
Colin, Edgar (NL)PDF File1534 kb12/4/2023
Comprehensive Mechanical Services, Inc - E-2012001119PDF File614 kb6/21/2013
Consulting Engineering Services - EGC-2021040857PDF File2464 kb10/17/2023
Cooper, John A - A-2418PDF File869 kb6/21/2013
Corle Building Systems, Inc - E-2005000808PDF File2504 kb6/21/2013
Cotter, Jim dba Construction Design and Engineering, Inc (not licensed)PDF File1061 kb6/21/2013
Craig, Brooke A - A-2015000172PDF File68 kb1/25/2021
CRM Engineering, Inc - E-1543PDF File3709 kb6/21/2013
Crocker, Patrick DPDF File1311 kb6/21/2013
CTI and Associates, Inc - EGC-2011006555PDF File2472 kb10/17/2023
Curtis, Donald Dustin - A-2011008143 - 10-04-2016PDF File770 kb10/18/2016
Curtis, Donald Dustin - A-2011008143PDF File3237 kb9/25/2014
D & D Surveying Company - LS-239PDF File482 kb6/21/2013
Dahman, Ronald M - PE-10509PDF File863 kb6/21/2013
Daugherty, R Timothy - LS-2096PDF File1184 kb6/21/2013
David Mason and Associates - EGC-001103PDF File2306 kb3/3/2023
Davis, Robert Lee - PE-2004017156PDF File2081 kb8/13/2014
Davis, Steven (A-005237)PDF File2378 kb12/4/2023
Deal, Donald - PE-023473PDF File2228 kb10/14/2022
Deaton, Christopher J - PE-22862PDF File432 kb12/4/2014
Del Popolo Architecture, LLC, A-2002021705PDF File450 kb8/21/2019
DeMent, Larry - LS-1663PDF File487 kb6/21/2013
Derington, William T - A-4061PDF File795 kb6/21/2013
DES Land Surveying, LLC - LS-2012000030PDF File262 kb4/30/2015
Design One Architects, LLC (A-2024030915)PDF File1593 kb8/2/2024
Designs Unlimited-Architects, LLC - A-2003011260PDF File3763 kb6/21/2013
DeSimone Consulting Engineering Group, LLC - E-2017032017PDF File1112 kb11/15/2018
DFW Consulting Group, Inc - E-2018000423PDF File838 kb11/19/2018
Dickinson, S Lemoine II - A-2014PDF File1088 kb6/21/2013
Dickman Professional Engineering Services, LLC, E-2014005269PDF File2091 kb3/19/2014
Dille & Traxel, LLC - A-2009003483PDF File437 kb6/21/2013
Dixon, David Dwayne (not licensed)PDF File1589 kb10/31/2014
Dowdy, Larry DPDF File779 kb1/30/2015
Duet, Vincent - A-2015012643PDF File2572 kb4/18/2022
Dumack, Heath (PE-024670)PDF File2683 kb11/21/2023
Duncan, Daniel M - PE-18738PDF File12064 kb12/17/2019
Dungan Design Group, LLC - A-2015007480PDF File333 kb3/23/2015
Durham, Justin Graham - A-2009005512PDF File1019 kb3/10/2016
Durham, Robert A - PE-2007011752PDF File943 kb6/19/2018
Dwellstudio Architects, LLC (not licensed)PDF File2938 kb6/20/2013
Dwyer, Todd L - PLS-2656PDF File1150 kb10/31/2016
Dye, Steven D - (A-005945)PDF File728 kb2/20/2024
Dye, Steven D - A-005945PDF File1011 kb6/21/2013
Eaves, Marvin T - PE-18343 - May 30 2013PDF File343 kb5/30/2013
Eaves, Marvin TPDF File533 kb7/16/2018
Edelman, Thomas Martin - PE-19905PDF File835 kb6/21/2013
Edson, Thomas Alden - A-7427PDF File277 kb1/23/2019
EFI GLOBAL IncPDF File2681 kb8/4/2023
El-Awar, Raja (PE-2018002155)PDF File2280 kb1/31/2024
Elara Energy Services, IncPDF File2342 kb10/27/2023
Ellis, Michael F - PE-29453PDF File673 kb12/19/2017
Ellis, Thomas (PE-2001011619)PDF File1859 kb7/17/2024
Energy Engineering, Inc - E-2001006119PDF File1602 kb6/21/2013
Erdmann Street Architecture and Planning, Inc - A-2009035692PDF File514 kb6/21/2013
Evans, David Eugene - A-7731PDF File784 kb10/31/2018
Ewen, Anthony - A2014008359PDF File2285 kb6/8/2022
Fenton, David L - PE-19869 - 08-13-2009PDF File1573 kb6/21/2013
Fenton, David L - PE-19869 - 11-30-2010PDF File652 kb6/21/2013
Ferguson, Richard L - LS-2125PDF File805 kb6/21/2013
Fine, Robert Lee, PE-26059PDF File2240 kb2/7/2014
Fischer, Lawrence - PE-27102PDF File1063 kb5/3/2013
Forerunner Corporation (not licensed)PDF File1433 kb6/21/2013
Foundation King-Mudjack King also Petty, Steve and Structural Reengineering, LLC (not licensed)PDF File1460 kb4/27/2015
Fox, Robert D - A-2008006221PDF File1145 kb7/18/2019
Fribis, Eugene A - PE-17109 - 06-03-2004PDF File1871 kb6/21/2013
Fribis, Eugene A - PE-17109 - 06-14-2000PDF File1227 kb6/21/2013
Fujii, Keita - PE-2020033327PDF File2663 kb9/20/2021
Galloway, Troy (not licensed)PDF File942 kb3/18/2016
GaneySurveying LLC - LS-2018029004PDF File916 kb8/14/2018
Ganime, Jeff (not licensed)PDF File391 kb2/16/2017
Gateway Design Studio, LLC - LA-2018004102PDF File937 kb9/10/2018
GCE International, Inc - E-587PDF File12064 kb12/17/2019
Gerber, Katrina M - PE-29242PDF File1124 kb6/18/2013
Gerhardt, Derek J (not licensed)PDF File946 kb8/19/2013
Gerhardt, James C (not licensed)PDF File946 kb8/19/2013
GHD, INC - EGC-2014023049PDF File2627 kb1/3/2023
Gillum, Jack D - PE-13146PDF File12064 kb12/17/2019
GMA Architects, IncPDF File563 kb10/8/2019
Gnich, Jason - A 2011038336PDF File2229 kb6/7/2022
Godwin, Derek - PE-2014009654PDF File1634 kb9/12/2024
Goel, Ram A - PE-2012028374PDF File966 kb9/25/2017
Goforth, Bennie W - LS-2490PDF File999 kb8/19/2013
Goforth-Brake Architects, Inc - A-2009024882PDF File578 kb8/19/2013
Gomez, Philip Anthony - A-6390PDF File460 kb8/19/2013
Goodman Engineering, Inc - E-2012035271PDF File727 kb8/19/2013
Goodman Engineering, Inc - LS-2012035270PDF File727 kb8/19/2013
Goza, Gary A dba Washington Land Co (not licensed)PDF File1445 kb8/19/2013
Grojean Architects, LLC - A-2009024883PDF File623 kb8/19/2013
Grojean, Ronald Lee - A-3445PDF File1070 kb9/19/2013
Gumerman, Richard JPDF File562 kb3/4/2014
Hakhamaneshi, Manouchehr - PE-2021005443PDF File1911 kb9/11/2024
Hall Engineering Group - EGC-2019016610PDF File2305 kb5/25/2023
Hall, Justin - PE-2012036160PDF File2276 kb5/25/2023
Hampton, Tommy Ray - PE-10846PDF File2985 kb6/18/2013
Hardy, Richard E - A-2864PDF File1521 kb8/20/2013
Harper, Joseph I III - PE-29527PDF File1529 kb8/20/2013
Harris, Marc T - PE-2017041446PDF File69 kb1/25/2021
Hasan, Afsar (PE-2013008031)PDF File2682 kb11/28/2023
Hasan, Afsar - PE-2013008031PDF File1090 kb1/6/2016
Hasty, Christopher Lee - PLS-2015000228PDF File70 kb1/25/2021
Hawkins, Darryl W - A-2001023626 - PVH 05-21-19PDF File562 kb5/29/2019
Hawkins, Darryl W - A-2001023626PDF File957 kb7/18/2017
Hediger, Robert T - PE-23855PDF File233 kb8/20/2013
Helitech - E-2008014863PDF File756 kb6/21/2013
Henning, Tod Joseph - PE-2016034876PDF File988 kb12/5/2018
Hensley, Bruce (not licensed)PDF File1362 kb3/13/2018
Hermans, Albert Paul - PE-23306 - 06-12-2015PDF File733 kb6/15/2015
Hermans, Albert Paul - PE-23306PDF File980 kb8/20/2013
Herring, Ken - LS-1637PDF File982 kb8/20/2013
Heuring, David L, A-7815PDF File926 kb7/22/2013
Heying, C Stephen - LS-1991PDF File1121 kb8/20/2013
Hitt, Barney L - PE-25552PDF File1018 kb8/20/2013
Hoffman, Stephen C, PE-23437PDF File1885 kb2/3/2014
Hollander, Gerald W - PE-25524PDF File1738 kb10/18/2013
Hollingsworth, Thomas R and Hollingsworth Associates, Inc (not licensed)PDF File1546 kb5/11/2016
Holt, Alan D (not licensed)PDF File864 kb8/21/2013
Howell, Fredrick SPDF File970 kb2/7/2018
Huffman, Michael J - LS-002268PDF File555 kb9/5/2019
Hunsicker, Paul - A-003154PDF File2296 kb9/19/2023
Hunter, Elliott David - A-4617PDF File785 kb6/18/2013
Hurricane Hill Development Company LLC - E-2017002700PDF File1013 kb1/31/2017
Hurtgen, William Theodore, PLS-2141 - 11-19-2018PDF File625 kb11/19/2018
Hurtgen, William Theodore, PLS-2141PDF File287 kb9/29/2015
Hussmann Corporation - E-2012001120PDF File592 kb8/21/2013
Interboro Partners, LLCPDF File3707 kb9/14/2023
Isbell, Bradley (PE-2007008487)PDF File2435 kb11/17/2023
Jackson, James OPDF File484 kb6/20/2013
Jackson, James OPDF File2511 kb6/20/2013
Jackson, Oscar (Not Licensed)PDF File617 kb9/11/2024
Jacob, William APDF File491 kb8/27/2019
James Engineering and Surveying Co, Inc - LS-129-D and E-595-DPDF File1471 kb3/25/2014
Jett, George B - PE-9750PDF File1014 kb8/21/2013
Jimenez, Joseph M - A-2009008320PDF File68 kb1/25/2021
Johnson, William H Sr - A-1597PDF File1934 kb8/21/2013
Johnson-Robinson & Associates, LLC - A-2002006342PDF File735 kb8/21/2013
Jones, Phillip - PE-2014-016965PDF File2404 kb3/3/2023
Joseph Consulting Engineers, LLC - E-2017040776PDF File675 kb11/21/2017
K Ritter Consulting EngineersPDF File1489 kb8/14/2023
Kahler, James Kraig - PE-2009000100PDF File563 kb6/18/2013
Karaca, Aykut - PE-19366PDF File2313 kb6/18/2013
Kaw Valley Engineering, Inc - LS-214PDF File1514 kb6/2/2014
KBR Engineering, Inc - E-000821PDF File2313 kb6/18/2013
Keeter, Thomas F - PE-29175PDF File627 kb8/21/2013
Keith, Larry - A-008120PDF File496 kb8/5/2022
Key, Dennis R, PLS-2444PDF File497 kb11/20/2015
Keystone Design Architects, LLC - A-2018029014PDF File1412 kb8/14/2018
Khadka, Sunil - PE-2014000042PDF File927 kb12/8/2015
Khatri, Dilip M - PE-2008031844PDF File996 kb3/20/2018
Kimbrough Design Studio, LLC - A-2014040530PDF File828 kb11/19/2014
Kleinfelder, Inc - E-2015008893PDF File1302 kb9/19/2018
Kliethermes, Ralph P - LS-2159PDF File953 kb8/21/2013
Klinkenborg, Derek J - LS-2484PDF File1245 kb8/21/2013
Klitzing Welsch Associates, Inc - A-2009024038 - 08-10-2009PDF File596 kb6/18/2013
Klitzing Welsch Associates, Inc - A-2009024938 - 02-04-2010PDF File522 kb6/18/2013
Kornacki, David - PE-2007000411PDF File2026 kb5/18/2022
Krafft, James D - PE-2004000809PDF File1065 kb12/21/2020
Kuder, Sam Lee - LS-1714PDF File1101 kb8/21/2013
La Rose Niedner, Inc aka The LaRose Group, Inc - E-1486PDF File741 kb8/21/2013
La Rose, Joseph L (not licensed)PDF File741 kb8/21/2013
Land Surveying Boundary Line in StPDF File1563 kb6/18/2013
Lange, Gary Lee - PE-19846PDF File684 kb3/26/2019
Langerak, Jon W - PE-25134 - 05-13-2008PDF File770 kb8/22/2013
Langerak, Jon W - PE-25134 - 08-31-2011PDF File414 kb8/22/2013
Langerak, Jon W - PE-25134 - 11-30-2010PDF File560 kb8/22/2013
Lankford, Alan W - PE-24224PDF File895 kb6/9/2015
Larson, Christopher D - PE-2011015769PDF File69 kb1/25/2021
Laskaris, Thomas Lee - A-5257PDF File2930 kb8/21/2013
Ledbetter, James E - PE-14963PDF File332 kb8/21/2013
Lee Mechanical Contractors, Inc (not licensed)PDF File1218 kb7/18/2017
Leeker, Jeffrey (not licensed)PDF File2323 kb7/17/2024
Lemberg, Daniel - A-2006000017PDF File1260 kb5/14/2014
Levy, Marks Albert - PE-25893PDF File990 kb8/21/2013
Lewellyn Technology, LLC - E-2013014530PDF File919 kb5/17/2013
Liechti, Chad - PE-2014009660PDF File2445 kb10/17/2023
Lindsey, Rayburn G - A-4903PDF File1251 kb11/15/2013
Lindsey, Rayburn Gale - A-4903 - 3-19-16PDF File854 kb3/4/2016
Lippe, David R - PE-27353PDF File963 kb8/21/2013
Logan, Charles Russell - PE-010302PDF File918 kb4/30/2019
Lowe, Morris (not licensed)PDF File224 kb6/20/2013
Lucas, Martin A - PLS-1857 (Expired)PDF File818 kb5/17/2018
Luxe Architects, LLC - A-2015008956PDF File491 kb3/24/2015
Lyman Surveyors, LLC - LS-2011000067PDF File651 kb8/21/2013
Mader, Charles EPDF File698 kb5/22/2020
Malinowsky, Samuel D - PE-2013035729PDF File1239 kb5/14/2019
Manawes, Craig - PE-028883PDF File1782 kb8/23/2024
Mar, David Clifton - PE-2016010967PDF File979 kb6/6/2017
Marler Surveying Company, Inc - LS-347 PDF File824 kb3/6/2018
Marschel Consulting, IncPDF File1558 kb6/28/2023
Maslan, Stephen P - PE-20397 - 02-24-2014PDF File1433 kb3/3/2014
Maslan, Stephen P - PE-20397 - 10-22-2009PDF File1305 kb9/24/2013
Maslan, Stephen P -PE-20397 - 12-08-2014 PDF File1175 kb6/19/2018
Mayo, Michael G - A-2004016311PDF File896 kb11/16/2017
Mazur, Gregory - PE-2006023233PDF File2507 kb10/17/2023
McClain, David R - LS-2001015261PDF File1643 kb8/21/2013
McCoy, Richard Wayne - PE-22631PDF File1954 kb8/21/2013
McKinney, Earl F - PE-17956PDF File1357 kb8/21/2013
Melton, Caleb (PE-2020020294)PDF File2434 kb11/15/2023
Menfee, Gerald William - PE-025224PDF File1221 kb4/30/2019
Mesa Associates IncPDF File2419 kb12/4/2023
Metron Surveying & Layout Company - LS-2013041735PDF File951 kb11/15/2013
Metts, Richard Dean - LS-1113PDF File2118 kb8/21/2013
Michel, Jarod - A-2013004242PDF File922 kb7/16/2018
Miller, Mary Ann - A-5865 dba MPDF File1152 kb8/21/2013
Miller, Paul A - PE-28140PDF File1147 kb8/21/2013
Miller, Thomas J - PE-25384PDF File925 kb8/21/2013
MillMac, LLC - E-2013015431PDF File862 kb6/5/2013
MillMac, LLC - LS-2013012220PDF File831 kb6/6/2013
Mitchell, Dennis - A-6211PDF File640 kb1/5/2021
Molandco Design, Inc (not licensed)PDF File1023 kb6/20/2013
Moomey, Christopher A - PE-2008025195PDF File567 kb5/30/2013
Moore, Allen R - A-4810PDF File629 kb8/21/2013
Moore, Allen R - PE-21810PDF File629 kb8/21/2013
MTR Landscape Architects, LLC - LA-2011013002PDF File930 kb6/18/2013
Mueller, Jay David - LS-1027PDF File831 kb3/6/2018
Muntz, Zane - A-2009032813PDF File2464 kb5/27/2022
Myers, Joseph (NL)PDF File1746 kb3/13/2024
Nangia, Chander - PE-16817 - 11-26-2012PDF File1162 kb5/29/2013
Nangia, Chander - PE-16817 - 12-13-2006PDF File547 kb5/29/2013
Nangia, Chander - PE-16817 -03-11-2010PDF File958 kb5/29/2013
Nangia, Robert - PE-2009005126PDF File2528 kb1/18/2024
Needham, Jason Randal - PE-2010031053PDF File2465 kb11/21/2017
Nelson, Dennis Stanley - PE-22489 - 05-25-2010PDF File729 kb8/21/2013
Nelson, Dennis Stanley - PE-22489 - 06-15-2009PDF File1109 kb8/21/2013
Nelson, Dennis Stanley - PE-22489 - 08-28-2012PDF File424 kb8/21/2013
Nelson, Dennis Stanley - PE-22489 - 09-13-2011PDF File713 kb8/21/2013
Ng, Lewis Y - PE-2017008512PDF File920 kb12/5/2018
Niedner, Walter W - PE-17256PDF File2373 kb8/21/2013
Nolte & Associates, PC - A-2009035574PDF File540 kb8/21/2013
Norwood, John Mark PLS-2017028582PDF File381 kb8/27/2019
Oberkramer, Ray - LS-1206PDF File543 kb8/21/2013
Oney, Gerald E - PE-17194PDF File1065 kb8/21/2013
Pack, Robert - PE-020843PDF File2268 kb5/18/2022
Parsley, Ronald (PE-024670)PDF File2394 kb10/27/2023
Pecord, Phillip (A-005115)PDF File2163 kb7/17/2024
Pecord, Phillip Charles - A-005115PDF File434 kb2/21/2020
Pecord, Phillip Charles - A-5115PDF File954 kb7/17/2018
Petty, Steve and Structural Reengineering, LLC dba Foundation King-Mudjack KingPDF File1460 kb4/27/2015
Phillips, Eugene (not licensed)PDF File938 kb4/8/2016
Phipps, Jack - PE-2014008924PDF File2289 kb1/3/2023
Place Makers, LLC - A-2008013312PDF File478 kb8/21/2013
PLAID Collaborative, LLC - LA-2018006721PDF File446 kb2/27/2018
Plowfield, Robert L - PE-28363PDF File742 kb8/22/2013
Plump Engineering - EGC-2012032864PDF File2066 kb10/24/2024
Plump Engineering, Inc - A-2012023714PDF File582 kb8/22/2013
Plump Engineering, Inc - E-2012032864PDF File721 kb8/22/2013
Plump, Richard APDF File1842 kb10/24/2024
Powell, Herschel LPDF File1013 kb8/22/2013
Poynter Landscape Consulting, IncPDF File1646 kb8/1/2023
Prairie Engineers, PPDF File2568 kb2/20/2024
Priest, Arwin Dale - PE-27271PDF File1150 kb6/18/2013
ProEnergy Services, LLC - E-2013023735PDF File858 kb7/9/2013
Qashshu, Ammar - PE-2022020025PDF File2257 kb1/3/2023
Quanta Techology, LLC - E-2018000761PDF File638 kb1/9/2018
Quarles, Lawrence (NL)PDF File657 kb3/3/2023
Quick, Robert E - PE-22540PDF File1168 kb3/20/2018
Quigg, Timothy (NL)PDF File1862 kb10/27/2022
Ralston, William A - LS-1144PDF File4607 kb10/18/2013
Ravenscroft, Brett APDF File2479 kb4/28/2023
Ray, Ashim - PE-2007035777PDF File2268 kb5/18/2022
Region Land Survey, Inc LS-2019035282PDF File745 kb9/11/2019
Reilly, John W - LS-1045PDF File1903 kb10/18/2013
Renner, John W - LS-2000PDF File1685 kb6/19/2013
Reyling, Todd J - PE-2011020072 08-13-2019PDF File1034 kb7/22/2019
Reyling, Todd J - PE-2011020072 08-09-2021PDF File1231 kb8/11/2021
Rich Kramer Construction Company, Inc (not licensed)PDF File5217 kb10/17/2013
RLS of Missouri, Inc - LS-330PDF File3531 kb8/23/2013
Robinson, Anthony (not licensed)PDF File2466 kb8/1/2024
Rodriguez, John David - A-7118PDF File68 kb1/25/2021
Rodriguez, Omar - A-4416 and Rodriguez & Associates, LC (not licensed)PDF File1840 kb10/17/2013
Rogers, Gregory Cornwell - PE-2007034900PDF File1201 kb6/18/2013
Roofing Consultants Limited - E-2017029104PDF File586 kb8/11/2017
Roseman, Daniel (PE-2002014791)PDF File1765 kb11/28/2023
Roseman, Daniel - PE-2006002848PDF File970 kb8/12/2022
Royal Engineering Consultants, Inc - E-2009003480PDF File1931 kb10/17/2013
Rubus Landscape Architecture (NL)PDF File1958 kb11/8/2022
Russell, Dallas - LS-2660 -04-04-2005PDF File6314 kb10/17/2013
Russell, Dallas - LS-2660 -11-20-2006PDF File3531 kb10/17/2013
Sapp, Michael - A-4986 - 04-03-2013PDF File2005 kb6/25/2013
Sapp, Michael - A-4986 - 06-03-2014PDF File1150 kb6/4/2014
Sapp, Michael F - A-4986 - 10-31-08PDF File1917 kb6/21/2013
Schaller, Brian - PE-28703PDF File1053 kb8/6/2015
Schiff, Marc E - A-7694PDF File662 kb6/18/2013
Schmidt, Frank J - LS-1022PDF File587 kb6/21/2013
Schnee, Erich - PE-2013000624PDF File723 kb9/15/2023
Schnurbusch, WIlliard J - LS-1454PDF File460 kb6/21/2013
Scott, Kevin D - A-2018004073PDF File714 kb2/7/2018
SE3, LLC - EGC-2013039922PDF File1919 kb8/23/2024
Sekely, Joseph D - A-4535PDF File789 kb1/9/2018
Semaan Engineering Solutions, LLC - E-2007017131PDF File1076 kb6/19/2018
Semling, Gary (A-2011033867)PDF File1640 kb5/24/2023
Semling, Gary A-2011033867PDF File835 kb11/28/2023
Sexton, Robert A - PE-2009005132PDF File1027 kb6/21/2013
Shoemaker Consulting Engineers, Inc - E-2011003002PDF File967 kb6/18/2013
Siegel, Allan M - PE-4009PDF File275 kb6/21/2013
Sierra Piedmont, Inc - PE-2012030492PDF File908 kb6/21/2013
Site Line Surveying, Inc - LS-332PDF File1462 kb6/26/2013
Site Line, LLC - LA-2011004783PDF File638 kb7/25/2013
Skelton, Metz Keim - PLS-948PDF File923 kb9/29/2016
Slab Master, Inc - E-2008014863PDF File756 kb6/21/2013
Slone, Ronald J - A-3393PDF File783 kb6/21/2013
Smith, Thomas N - A-2003010224PDF File985 kb10/24/2016
Soney FM, LLC - E-2012036929PDF File966 kb9/25/2017
Stanley, Harold Ray - PE-19372PDF File2162 kb11/21/2017
Steelman, Paul - A-2003010228PDF File2685 kb1/30/2023
Stephen P Maslan and Company - A-2014041132PDF File398 kb11/22/2016
Stephens, Michael T - A-3571PDF File1616 kb6/21/2013
Sterling Barnett Little, Inc - A-2017029216PDF File760 kb8/15/2017
Steve Petty and Structural Reengineering, LLC dba foundation King-Mudjack KingPDF File1214 kb4/24/2015
Stuhlman, Wilbur F - PE-7507PDF File1356 kb6/21/2013
Sunset Design Services, Inc - A-2008003862 - 02-05-2008PDF File788 kb6/19/2013
Sunset Design Services, Inc - A-2008003862 - 08-18-2009PDF File1243 kb6/10/2020
Susan Richards Johnson & Associates, Inc - A-2009024884PDF File598 kb8/21/2013
Swanson Rink (EGC-001361)PDF File2301 kb2/20/2024
Tate, Ralph Douglas - PE-17940PDF File3315 kb3/24/2014
Tennill, Dana Dean - PE-17279PDF File986 kb1/29/2016
TFS and Associates, LLC - LS-2010031812PDF File689 kb3/25/2014
THD Design Group, Inc - E-2011004415PDF File918 kb6/18/2013
THD Design Group, Inc - LS-2011004412 - 12-17-2016PDF File1075 kb12/5/2016
THD Design Group, Inc - LS-2011004412PDF File925 kb6/18/2013
The Design Club, Inc - A-2009025010PDF File651 kb6/21/2013
The Drainage Guy, LLC - E-2009025984 PDF File623 kb8/19/2013
The National Architect Corporation - A-2008013313 - 05-19-2008PDF File830 kb8/21/2013
The National Architect Corporation - A-2008013313 - 08-31-2011PDF File685 kb8/21/2013
The Roberts Group Settlement of Kentucky, PCPDF File2377 kb11/14/2022
Thomas, Michael A - A-3320PDF File1450 kb3/1/2018
Thompson Civil, LLC - E-2016035943PDF File313 kb10/5/2016
Tolson, Curtis DPDF File754 kb5/22/2020
Tometich Engineering, Inc - E-2011038423PDF File550 kb3/25/2014
TPR Enterprises-Ecoengineers, LLC - E-2018041171 11-30-18PDF File794 kb11/30/2018
TPR Enterprises-Ecoengineers, LLC - E-2018041171PDF File736 kb11/19/2018
Trager, Matt dba CMT Construction (not licensed)PDF File1044 kb4/24/2015
Treat Architects, PC - A-2010005188PDF File913 kb6/18/2013
Treat Architects, PC - E-2010011387PDF File856 kb6/18/2013
Trueline Techologies, LLC - (not licensed)PDF File1127 kb3/24/2014
Tucker, Jerry E - LS-2582PDF File2099 kb3/24/2014
Turner, Samuel III - A-2002010504PDF File1397 kb7/14/2014
Underwood, Scott (PE-2002003425)PDF File2471 kb2/26/2024
Unified Design Services, LLC, E-2007006938PDF File820 kb6/24/2016
Uzman, Zeyn - PE-029612PDF File2631 kb3/29/2023
Vasquez, Jairzinho - PE-2003012574PDF File1455 kb6/18/2013
Verslues, Roger F, - PE-13865 & S & V Consultants, Inc - E-1383PDF File1774 kb3/24/2014
Voila Engineering Services, PC - E-001131PDF File315 kb11/22/2016
Volz, Robert A, E-7852 - 08-14-1996PDF File682 kb3/25/2014
Volz, Robert A, E-7852 - 08-19-1998PDF File1657 kb3/25/2014
Volz, Robert A, E-7852 - 09-26-1994PDF File1214 kb3/25/2014
Wall, Dave (PE-2018011338)PDF File2761 kb12/14/2023
Wall, Dave R - PE-2018011338PDF File1104 kb12/11/2018
Walterman, Dale W - LS-1851 - 06-09-1992PDF File456 kb3/24/2014
Walz, Robert Alan, PE-2002000617 - 05-17-2010PDF File969 kb3/24/2014
Walz, Robert Alan, PE-2002000617 - 08-28-2012PDF File400 kb3/24/2014
Warren, Lawrence Eugene - PLS-2009016950PDF File765 kb5/2/2018
Watermark Construction Management Services, LLC (not licensed)PDF File1692 kb3/4/2014
WB Enterprises, Inc - (not licensed)PDF File331 kb3/25/2014
Welch, G Thomas - PE-26959PDF File1483 kb3/24/2014
Wells, John W - PE-2001022982PDF File959 kb2/27/2020
Welytok, Mark Eugene - A-6894PDF File1598 kb3/24/2014
Westlake, Paul E - A-8053PDF File971 kb12/21/2015
WGI, INC - E-2017030567PDF File1615 kb8/28/2024
Wheadon, Aquilla W - E-12138PDF File1253 kb3/25/2014
White, Timothy Lee - PLS-2534PDF File69 kb1/25/2021
WHKS & Co - E-1061PDF File1738 kb10/18/2013
Wilkerson, Guy A - E-23972PDF File846 kb3/25/2014
Williams Creek Consulting, Inc -E-2011006729PDF File934 kb6/18/2013
Wills, Larry D (not licensed)PDF File331 kb3/25/2014
Wilson, Harry A - PE-14056 - 06-09-1998PDF File2035 kb10/18/2013
Wilson, Harry A - PE-14056 - 07-06-1993PDF File352 kb10/18/2013
Winkler, John E - LS-2006016644PDF File1147 kb7/31/2014
Winters, Jeffrey and Winters Productions, LLC (not licensed)PDF File818 kb6/10/2020
Winters, Jeffrey with Winters Production, LLC (not licensed)PDF File198 kb3/24/2021
Wofford, Theodore John - A-1514PDF File68 kb1/25/2021
Wolfe, Eddie D - LS-2190PDF File1303 kb5/14/2014
Wottring, W Paul - PE-23123PDF File800 kb11/14/2017
Wurm, James L Sr - LS-462PDF File1471 kb3/25/2014
Wurm, Phillip Joseph - PLS-2278PDF File644 kb6/3/2016
Wynne, Gerald TPDF File1488 kb6/6/2019