If you are a general business corporation, professional corporation or limited liability company and you provide in the State of Missouri any architectural, engineering, land surveying or landscape architecture service, you will be required to have a Corporate Certificate of Authority with the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Professional Landscape Architects.
There is no difference with respect to the requirements for licensure by an entity whether it is registered with the Secretary of State's Office (SOS) as a Partnership, a Limited Partnership (LP), or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). The Board only issues certificates of authority to offer architectural, professional engineering, professional land surveying, and professional landscape architectural services to corporations, professional corporations, and limited liability companies (both domestic and foreign.) Partnerships, including LPs and LLPs, are not required to obtain a certificate of authority (license) from the Board since its members are subject to Board regulation. Therefore, if a Partnership, LP, or LLP has only one "partner" identified in the SOS filing and that "partner" is an individual, an LLC or a Corporation, that individual, LLC, or Corporation is then required to be licensed with the Board. There is no minimum percentage requirement of ownership in the partnership to be exempt from licensure.
Important Information Regarding Certificates of Authority for Corporations and LLC's
Affidavit to Amend Managing Agent
Application for Corporate Certificate of Authority - Limited Liability Company
Application for Corporate Certificate of Authority
Corporate Certificate of Authority Application for Re-Authorization
Request for Duplicate License/Certificate