
When making a complaint against a firm, a licensed person or an unlicensed person, a copy of the complaint form and all supporting material should be sent to the office of the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Professional Landscape Architects. The complaint should be addressed to the Board's Executive Director and should be accompanied by copies of documents, letters and other exhibits supporting the complaint. A separate form should be completed for each specific complaint. It is important that as much detail as possible be given, including dates, places and parties involved. Sufficient facts must be stated to permit Board officials to reach a decision as to the merits of the complaint. If insufficient facts are stated, the complaint will be dismissed. All complaints must be signed. If made by an organization, professional society or corporation, the complaint must be signed by an authorized person or agent and a copy of the Board of Director's Resolution authorizing the filing of the complaint must be attached.

Complaint Form

Consumer Complaint Guide

Please be aware that a copy of this complaint may be provided to the person or firm against whom you are filing the complaint.