
Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.475

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.478
Missouri acupuncturist advisory committee created, duties, members, terms.

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.481
Duties of board -- rulemaking authority -- acupuncturist fund created, use of.

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.484
Persons exempt from licensing requirements.

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.487
Qualifications for licensure.

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.490
Expiration of licenses.

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.493
Restoration of license, procedure.

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.496
Authority of the board -- complaints, procedure -- limitation of liability.

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.499
Violations, penalty -- right to sue.

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.006
Spouse of active-duty military, first priority given to processing ... (8/28/2018)

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.009
Licensure reciprocity - definitions - requirements - inapplicability, when. (8/28/2020)

Chapter 324 Occupations and Professions General Provisions Section 324.010
No delinquent taxes, condition for renewal of certain professional licenses.