Missouri's CPE Reporting Tool


The CPE tracking program is open and available to all active licensed Missouri CPAs. First time users will need to contact the Missouri State Board of Accountancy ("Board") for access.

The Board is continuing to work with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy ("NASBA") through the CPE tracking program that offers Missouri licensees a tool for recording and tracking their earned CPE credits. The CPE tracking program, which started as a pilot program in Missouri, has expanded to include additional states that are using the tool. For current information on the states who are currently utilizing the CPE tracking tool please refer to the NASBA website at www.nasba.org/cpeaudit/.

Missouri CPE Credits

Credits entered by licensees will be evaluated for compliance with Missouri's minimum CPE requirements using NASBA's CPE tracking rules engine software that is programmed with all the state CPE rules and requirements.

Missouri CPE Audit

For licensees selected for audit, Board staff will review all submitted supporting documentation to assure that it corresponds with the CPE course and credit information supplied by the licensees and that it adheres to the Missouri Board's policies for acceptable supporting documentation.