Application Forms

375-0127 Reinstatement Application
375-0129 Initial Application
375-0715 Initial Firm Permit
375-0725 Transfer of Credit
375-0832 Inactive Status


In 2020, Missouri changed the reciprocity eligibility as found in 324.009 RSMo. This change allows applicants to apply for reciprocity in Missouri if they have one year of licensure in another jurisdiction. If you have one year of licensure in another jurisdiction, please complete the Reciprocity via Licensure application. If you are seeking reciprocity and believe you do not meet the licensure requirement, please contact the Missouri State Board of Accountancy at for further assistance.

Reciprocity via Licensure

Application Addendums

Authorization For Interstate Exchange Of Examination And Licensure Information

CPE Forms

Authorization to Utilize Grace Period

The purpose of this document is to allow licensees to utilize the designated grace period to address CPE hours shortage from the preceding reporting period. The grace period is January 1 through March 1. If a licensee determines the required CPE hours are not met in the reporting period, the Authorization to Utilize Grace Period may be submitted to the Board to request specific CPE hours taken during the grace period be used to meet the CPE requirement for the preceding reporting period.

Licensees must be in good standing to utilize the grace period, and CPE hours may only be utilized one time.

Authorization to Utilize Grace Period form

Application to Cure CPE Hours for Disallowed Courses

The purpose of this document is to allow licensees to cure deficiencies in CPE hours that may arise as a result of a Board audit. If courses submitted are disallowed by the Board for not meeting the required standards, the licensee will be notified. The licensee will be informed of the opportunity to cure the deficient CPE hours within 30 days. The licensee must utilize the Application to Cure CPE Hours for Disallowed Courses to provide the Board with the CPE course information being submitted for this purpose.

Licensee must be in good standing to be allowed to cure any deficiencies identified through the audit process, and CPE hours may only be utilized one time.

Application to Cure Hours for Disallowed Courses